Future Mom - event WOS
Prezentator: MONICA LICHI – Prenatal Counselor, CAPPA designation
La sfirsitul semnarului participantii vor face diferenta intre:
- nasterea independenta si la spital,
- "falsa” (prodromal) semnale ale nasterii si procesul normal al nasterii,
- vor sti sa identifice cind incepe nasterea,
- cind este cel mai bun moment sa mearga spre spital pentru nastere,
- ce trebuie sa contina sacosa pentru spital si ce sa astepte dupa internarea in spital, la camera de nasteri.
Sponsorii WoS Premii Anuale 2014
Guest Speakers
Multumim Guest Speakers ca au acceptat sa isi prezinte povestea pentru una din categoriile Premiilor Anuale:
Gabriela Covaci pentru WoS Volunteer Award
Elena Dinu pentru WoS Career Award
Irina Benedict pentruWoS Achievements in Business
WoS Premii Anuale 2014
Femei de Succes va invita la a3a editie a Premiilor Anuale:
- pentru Voluntariat - WoS Volunteer Award
NOMINALIZARI: Simona Cheoreanu
- pentru Cariera - WoS Career Award
NOMINALIZARI: Ana Caracaleanu
Ioana Spinu
- pentru Afacere nou creata - WoS Achievement in Business
NOMINALIZARI: Nathalie Gheorghiu - Real Estate Agent
Mihaela Felicia Grigore - Kid's Party Arts & Entertaiment
Gabriela Spinu - Health & Beauty from the Bees
Daniela Spirlac - Be Social Events
Felicia Stepan - "ProImpakt", DJ services
Multumim Membrelor Femei de Succes, Voluntarilor comunitatii Femei de Succes si Sponsorilor care au fost alaturi de noi in 2014.
Aplicati pentru slujbe si ...nu primiti nici un telefon de la recrutori?
Mergeti la interviuri si... nu primiti nici o oferta pentru slujba?
Changed Game
cu Minerva Cernea si Victoria Bularda este pentru tine!
Femei de Success va invita la worshop-ul de 2 ore, Changed Game si 1 ora sesiune individuala prin skype ca sa aveti succes si sa intelegi mai mult despre:
- strategiile ce sa le utilizati: psihologia recrutorului; secretele resume-ului si scrisorii de prezentare workshop Changed Game
- interviul; inainte, in timpul si dupa; networking si strategie pentru branding personal - individual skype session
Cele 2 ore workshop & 1 ora sesiune individuala pe skype doar $65 .
Puteti alege, doar pentru $40, workshop-ul ori sesiunea individuala.
Membrele Femei de Succes cu taxa de membra platita la zi, au reducere de 10%.
Changed Game & individual phone session
Where:Network Orange, 221 Yonge St, Toronto, Thompson Room
When: Workshop - February 5th, 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Individual session - February 6th or 7th, 1 hour from 9am to 4pm

Haideti sa imbracam planeta in IE!
Sa trecem traditiile generatiilor viitoare si lumii.
SPONSORI membrii Femei de Succes
Monaco Flowers - tel (416) 498-9559
Accounting & Tax Services - tel 416-450-0667
Successful Women - North York, ON
Women of Success and Ontario Romanian Canadian Association extend an open invitation to attend the Business Connect event on May 22, 2014 at North York Civic Centre
Trends in recruiting - Tips on how to be successful in landing a job
If you are applying for a job and you are not receiving any call from recruiters or if you're going to the interviews and... you are not receiving any job offer... talking with Minerva Cernea it may help you to understand how to be successful in landing a job.
Minerva Cernea is the Country Manager for Canada and the Head of the Industrial Practice Group at Pedersen & Partners. Before relocating to head their operations in Canada, Ms. Cernea was the Country Manager for Romania with Pedersen & Partners. Prior to joining the firm Ms. Cernea worked with two other international Executive Search firms, with Apple Romania as a Marketing Manager, and before that in the field of electronics research.
Ms. Cernea has conducted executive search assignments since 1997 and has completed over 400 senior level assignments across the Industrial, Technology, Private Equity, and FMCG sectors in Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and North America.
Minerva Cernea holds a Masters Degree in Electronics and Telecommunications from the Polytechnic University of Bucharest and an International Executive MBA from the International Executive Development Centre in Slovenia. She is pursuing her PhD in International Psychology at Chicago School of Professional Psychology. She speaks native Romanian and is fluent in English and French.
Angela Johnson
Second opinion - Medical Confidence
In 2008, Angela's sister struggled with a very rare neurological condition, extremely affecting Angela and compelled her to focus on helping individuals receive the best care for their health condition.
As the Founder and President of Medical Confidence, she and her team work with Canada's topmost specialists, family doctors and individuals to quickly bring the best minds to address the individual's health condition, providing them confidence in their diagnosis and treatment plan, enabling them to focus on their recovery.
Prior to healthcare leadership, Angela helped various fortune 500 companies address complex business issues from reducing operating costs to developing new global products.
She's a graduate of McMaster University, with a Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences.
Specialties: Executive Leadership, Business Strategist.
Feel free to invite a friend or a colleague to this event.
Detailed event agenda can be found on the event's page where you can register as well http://tinyurl.com/kctvj6d

“Femei de Succes” sarbatoreste 3 Ani!
Veniti la a3a Aniversare comunitatii Femei de Succes care inlesneste conexiunile intre indivizi si afaceri prin crearea unui mediu inspirational, in care femeile sa isi dezvolte intregul potential, atit personal cit si professional, prin networking si impartasire de informatii.
Miercuri, 16 aprilie 2014, la ora 18
Fiore Bistro, 4 Temperance Street – aproape de statia de metrou Queen, Toronto
Cost: GRATUIT pentru membrele Femei de Succes, cu plata la zi a taxei de membra 2014
$15 pentru Non-membre SAU$20 pentru taxa de membra 2014
Contactati-ne la femeidesuccess@gmail.com